Looking to add some pizzazz to your living space? Consider Cultural Wall Art Decor! With eye-catching designs from around the world, cultural wall art allows you to infuse any room with international flair.

In this comprehensive Nousdecor guide, I’ll walk you through different cultural art styles, materials, where to buy, and decorating tips so you can find the perfect pieces to make your home a global gallery.

Key Takeaways

  • Cultural wall art encompasses diverse aesthetics like Native American weavings, African masks, Indian deity prints, Japanese woodblocks, and more.
  • Popular materials include canvas and paper prints, textiles, wood carvings, metal art, wall scrolls, and framed pieces.
  • Shop at online stores, auction houses, import boutiques, home goods chains, and directly from artisans.
  • Decorate in themes or a signature color palette for a curated gallery effect. Properly frame and illuminate pieces.
  • Cultural wall art infuses personal style and global perspectives into any living space.
All The Cultural Wall Art Decor To Spruce Up Your Space
All The Cultural Wall Art Decor To Spruce Up Your Space

Into Cultural Wall Art Decor

Decorating with cultural wall art is a fantastic way to showcase your unique interests and tastes. After all, our homes are an extension of ourselves, so why not fill them with meaningful pieces? From abstract wall art decor to spiritual symbols, cultural wall art spans many aesthetics that let you express your individuality.

In today’s world, cultural wall art has become a popular decor choice. The global art market stands at $50 billion, with steady sales growth as collectors look to adorn their spaces. This shouldn’t come as a surprise.

In an increasingly multicultural society, ethnic art exposes us to new perspectives and ideas. It allows us to appreciate the creativity and traditions of various groups. For the intrepid, art is the ultimate cultural souvenir.

So if you’re looking to turn your living room, home office, or other space into a vibrant cultural gallery, read on! Below I cover the need-to-know basics about materials, styles, sources, and design so you can find your perfect match. Let’s dive in!

Overview of Cultural Wall Art Types

From Buddhist scrolls to tribal masks, cultural wall art encompasses various mediums and aesthetics. Here’s a quick overview of popular genres and motifs so you know what to look for:

  • Native American art – Look for Navajo rugs, Hopi Kachina dolls, pottery, beadwork, and more. Earth tones and geometric patterns predominate.
  • African art – Bold colors, expressive masks, figurines, and textiles like kente cloth reflect traditions from countries like Ghana and Nigeria.
  • Polynesian art – Intricate woodcarvings and tapa cloth with island motifs are hallmarks of this style.
  • Indian art – Hand-painted imprints depicting Hindu deities like Lord Ganesha and Radha Krishna are classic. Look also for embroidery, bronzes, tribal art, and miniature paintings.
  • Japanese art – From samurai warriors to geishas, Japanese woodblock imprints capture iconic imagery. Brush painting and intricate porcelain also have popular followings.
  • Latin American art – Look for Mexican Day of the Dead skeleton figurines, Incan replicas, Guatemalan weavings, and Brazilian carnival paraphernalia.

This covers some major genres, but the list goes on! For personalized wall art for your unique space, focus on finding art from a specific culture that you feel connected to. The options are endless.

Materials and Mediums

From vintage posters to metal cut-outs, cultural wall art comes in diverse mediums. Here are some top materials to consider:

Canvas Prints

Reproductions of classic artworks printed on canvas are widely available. They provide a modern reinterpretation of everything from Japanese woodblocks to works by Frida Kahlo. Canvas gives an oil painting-like texture. It’s more durable than paper and easily mounted on walls with nails or hooks.

Paper Prints

For more affordable wall art, paper imprints come in many attractive styles. Favorites include:

  • Vintage posters – These replicate advertising, propaganda, travel, and movie posters from decades past. Their retro charm makes them perennially popular.
  • Watercolor and ink imprints – From Chinese brush paintings to Hindu epic art, many cultures have watercolor and ink art traditions. Prints preserve their delicate beauty.
  • Botanical imprints – Floral still-life imprints bring lovely pops of color to a room. Look for printed artwork or opt for pressings of real dried flowers.
Paper Prints
Paper Prints

Framed Prints

Prints elevated with framing gain a polished, gallery-worthy look. Frame finishes like distressed wood, metallic, or colored add to the appeal. Lean into the cultural style with choices like bamboo frames for Asian-inspired prints.

Wall Scrolls

In Japan, art is traditionally displayed in the form of hanging wall scrolls. These long vertical works showcase calligraphy, ukiyo-e prints, nature scenes, spiritual symbols, and more. Display as is or mount in a frame.


From kilim rugs to Haitian sequin banners, textile arts cover many cultures. Mount them in embroidery hoops or frames to create stunning works. Fiber arts like weavings and tapestries add rich textures.

Metal Art

For a sleek, modern look, choose cultural images rendered in metal. Laser-cut wall art ideas create intricate designs on wood or metal sheets. Options range from cut-out silhouettes to 3D wall sculptures.

Wood Blocks and Plaques

Small hand-carved wood blocks and plaques often feature spiritual symbols, blessings, familial motifs, and more. Their rustic vibe works in many settings. Group multiples together for impact.

This covers some top mediums, but get creative! Sculpture, glasswork, mosaic art, stained glass, and more can all be displayed to embrace adorning wall art.

Where to Buy Cultural Wall Art

Wondering where to shop? You can find adorning art from these main sources like enhancing your space with artepera wall decor:

Online Shops

For wide selections, browse online stores and marketplaces like Etsy. Global artisans and print shops offer extensive choices across styles and price points. Avoid drop shipping sites for quality art.

Online Shops
Online Shops

Auction Houses

Major auction houses like Christie’s and Sotheby’s regularly hold sales of African, Asian, Indian, Islamic, and Tribal arts. Here you can bid on museum-quality antique and vintage works.

Home Goods Stores

Many big box stores like Target and Wayfair carry affordable adorning art imprints in their wall decor sections. Offerings tend to focus on broadly popular motifs and styles.

Boutique Shops

In metro areas, explore boutique import shops and galleries specializing in art from different cultures. Connect with shop owners to learn the backstory behind items.

On Vacation

When traveling, don’t pass up the chance to buy directly from local artists and galleries. You can find one-of-a-kind works and have them shipped or brought home in your luggage.

Direct from Artists

For special custom or commissioned pieces, connect with artisans directly through online portfolios or sites like Etsy. Many create unique works to order.

So embrace the thrill of the hunt! Seek out art at shops, markets, import stores, and more. Exploring the abundance of options is part of the fun.

Direct from Artists
Direct from Artists

Design Tips and Ideas

Once you’ve got your eye-catching piece, here are some tips for stylishly showcasing it in your home:

  • Group gallery-style – Hang a cluster of assorted imprints gallery-style to build an eclectic adorning collage. Vary sizes and frames for interest.
  • Pick a palette – Tie pieces together through color. For example, use all black and white imprints or earth tones for a cohesive look.
  • Highlight with lighting – Properly illuminate wall art with mounted picture lights or track lighting. This showcases intricate details.
  • Add drama with scale – Hang a massive framed map or art print as a striking focal point in a room. The oversized scale makes it pop.
  • Layer themes – Combine art from different cultures that share motifs like botanicals, textiles, or spiritual symbols. The conversation between the pieces is engaging.
  • Define a space – Use adorning art to distinguish different zones of an open floor plan. For example, adorn the dining space with Italian vineyard prints.

Artfully arranging your adorning finds can be satisfying. Don’t be afraid to get inventive with the layouts and pairings until you find a scheme that clicks. Display what resonates with you.

With a little planning and care, your newly decorated global gallery will come to life! Visitors will delight at everything from glittering Siberian unique crystal wall decor ideas to soothing abstract wall art canvases. Before you know it, you’ll be searching for blank walls to fill with more adorning treasures.

Frequently Asked Questions

Some great online shops for adorning wall art include Etsy, Novica, African Art Store, Tribal Home, and many museum stores like those of the Smithsonian. Take time to carefully review images, shop policies, prices, and shipping options. This ensures you buy with confidence online.

With antique tribal masks, textiles, and artifacts, the value depends heavily on age, provenance, condition, rarity, and subjective qualities. Specialist auction houses are best equipped to appraise Indian miniature paintings, Japanese woodblock prints, African sculptures, and other adorning works.

A documented history of previous ownership and exhibition in reputable institutions can distinguish valuable pieces. Handle potential valuables with care before assessing authenticity.

Picture lights that shine directly on a piece are ideal. Install the above artwork angled towards the center to eliminate glare and shadows. Track lighting also isolates pieces nicely. Place multiple adjustable heads to highlight details.

Avoid strongly backlit art near bright windows, which washes out colors and textures. Dimmer switches allow you to control brightness for day and night viewing.

Start by mapping out your design with removable adhesive putty before nailing it in place. Mix and mingle piece sizes, textures, and colors for interest. Use larger statement imprints as anchors and sprinkle in smaller pieces to fill gaps.

Hold frames close together in uneven groups, grids, and clusters. Hang art salon style with pieces overlapping for a dynamic look. Keep the bottom edges aligned and centered at eye level for accessibility.

Some affordable options include small framed prints, decorative pillows with global motifs, fiber wall hangings, patterned throw blankets, carved mask replicas, terra cotta vases, and flowers like orchids or anthuriums associated with tropical cultures.

Most importantly, showcase any meaningful artifacts you already own from your own background or travels. Simple displays of a few special souvenirs can have a big impact.


I hope this guide has sparked some fresh decorating ideas and inspired you to bring more culture into your personal space!

Hanging art from around the world not only looks exciting, but it can deepen your appreciation for diverse creative traditions. Surrounding yourself with pieces from different origins promotes openness, discovery and new connections.

Just remember – there’s no wrong way to decorate if you follow your heart. Find symbols, colors, materials and subjects that speak to you. Display adorning treasures in creative layouts that show off their unique traits. Soon, your home’s walls will reflect your expanded global interests.

So embrace your inner interior design anthropologist! Search for treasures that reveal beauty across borders. Cultural wall art opens up decor possibilities as vast as the world’s diversity. Let it infuse your space with artistry, meaning and an uplifting sense of human creativity without limits.

Your home will become so much more – a launching pad for inspiration, a restorative refuge, and a welcoming place that shares a little bit of you with everyone who enters.

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