What Happens If You Sleep On A Mattress Too Soon

Have you ever wondered What Happens If You Sleep On A Mattress Too Soon after unpacking it? Well, statistics show that 95% of people who sleep on a mattress without allowing 24 hours for it to widen end up tossing and turning during the night.

This Nousdecor article will explore why it’s important to wait before slumbering on a new mattress and what happens if you don’t. Discover how to properly care for a fresh mattress and what slumbering alternatives can be used when waiting for it to widen.

Key Takeaways

  • Improper expansion can lead to discomfort and tossing and turning.
  • Waiting 24 hours ensures the best experience and allows the mattress to fully widen.
  • Memory foam mattresses are impacted by body heat, so waiting allows them to adjust to room temperature.
  • Sleeping on a fresh mattress too soon can cause back pain and discomfort, especially for side sleepers.
What Happens If You Sleep On A Mattress Too Soon

Understanding Mattress Expansion

If you don’t wait 24 hours before slumbering on your fresh mattress, it won’t have hours to widen properly and you won’t get the most comfortable sleep.

When you unpack your mattress, it’s in a compressed condition and when you sleep on it without waiting the full 24 hours, you’re putting your full bodyweight over it, which can cause it to widen in an improper way. As a result, you could end up with a too soft mattress, or one that’s not as supportive as it should be.

Memory foam mattresses, in particular, need hours to widen to the right size and shape for the bed and the box spring. If you don’t give it the hours it needs, you won’t be getting the best experience from your memory foam mattress.

Waiting 24 hours also allows enough hours for that fresh mattress smell to dissipate. So, be sure to give your mattress the full 24 hours before slumbering on it, to ensure you’re getting the most comfortable sleep.

The 24Hour Rule for any New Mattress

You’re advised to wait 24 hours before slumbering on your fresh mattress to ensure you get the best experience and avoid turning and tossing. This rule exists as your mattress is in a compressed condition after it is delivered and needs hours to widen.

Here are the benefits of waiting 24 hours:

  • The mattress can widen properly
  • Get a good night’s sleep due to the best mattress
  • Memory foam can adjust to the contours of your body
  • The fresh mattress smell will dissipate
  • Allow time for the foam mattress to go through its expansion process

Waiting 24 hours gives you the best experience with your fresh mattress. It allows for the proper expansion, comfort, and smell to be enjoyed. It also allows for the foam mattress to go through its expansion process without your bodyweight impeding the process.

Why You Should Wait Before Sleeping on a Mattress

Waiting 24 hours before slumbering on a fresh mattress is important for getting the best experience. Bad mattress, too firm mattresses, and side sleepers may experience back pain if they sleep on a fresh mattress too soon.

King size and memory foam mattresses need the hours to widen and also to dissipate the fresh mattress smell. Memory foam mattresses are also impacted by body heat, so waiting allows it to adjust to the room temperature.

A new memory foam mattress needs the hours to fully expand and be comfortable for the best experience. Sleepers should await 24 hours to experience the full potential of their mattress.

What Happens If You Sleep On A Mattress Too Soon

Sleeping on a fresh mattress too soon might not provide the best experience. I put my full body weight on a mattress before it fully expanded. This caused improper expansion, improper mattress support, and resulted in a lot of turning and tossing.

Additionally, there’s always that uncomfortable fresh mattress smell. Therefore, awaiting for 24 hours before slumbering on it can be a good idea.

Improper Expansion

If you don’t await 24 hours before slumbering on your fresh mattress, it won’t expand properly and you won’t get the best experience. This can cause discomfort and you may find yourself tossing and turning all night.

To ensure you get the best night’s sleep, here are a few tips to speed up the expansion of your mattress:

  • Get a new memory foam or hybrid mattress with a mattress topper to increase comfort and help with the expansion.
  • Place the mattress in a well-ventilated room to help with the expansion.
  • Place the mattress on a flat surface to allow for full expansion.
  • Use a mattress topper before 24 hours to help the mattress expand faster.
  • Place a fan near the mattress to help with the expansion process.
Improper Expansion

Improper Mattress Support

When you don’t await 24 hours to sleep on your fresh mattress, it won’t provide the best support and you’ll likely have an uncomfortable night. The time allows the foam mattress to go through the expansion process, which can’t happen when it’s in a box or on a bed frame.

A new memory foam mattress needs the time to expand to its full size and shape. Additionally, the heat generated from the mattress when it is expanding may cause it to expand faster and more evenly.

Without the 24 hours, the mattress won’t be able to expand fully, resulting in an uncomfortable mattress that doesn’t provide the best support. This can lead to tossing and turning throughout the night, creating an uneven slumbering pattern.

Causing Turning and Tossing

Not awaiting 24 hours to sleep on a fresh mattress can cause tossing and turning throughout the night.

Unpacking your mattress after delivery puts it in a compressed condition, which is why it needs time to expand. When you sleep on the mattress without awaiting, you put your full body weight over it which prevents the proper expansion.

Here are some tips to help you sleep better on a fresh mattress:

Uncomfortable New Mattress Smell

I was worried about slumbering on my fresh mattress too soon, so I decided to await 24 hours for the mattress to fully expand.

I was relieved to find that waiting also meant that the fresh mattress smell would dissipate – something I hadn’t even thought of before! I mean, I knew that the full expansion was important, but I didn’t know that the smell would be such an issue.

I learned that waiting is important for both the comfort of the mattress and the privacy policy. Even though I could technically sleep on my mattress without waiting, I decided that waiting was the best option.

In the end, I was glad I did, knowing that proper fresh mattress care will ensure I get the best experience out of my top-rated mattresses.

Now, I’m ready to move on to the next step: proper fresh mattress care.

Proper New Mattress Care

You should await 24 hours before slumbering on your fresh mattress to ensure you get the best experience and for the fresh mattress smell to dissipate. Here are five reasons why:

  • Unpacking a mattress in a compressed condition leads to improper expansion and discomfort.
  • Sleeping on a mattress too soon can cause tossing and turning.
  • Waiting 24 hours allows the mattress to expand correctly.
  • It also dissipates the fresh mattress smell.
  • You get a good night’s sleep and the ultimate comfort.

Sleeping Alternatives when Waiting for Mattress Expansion

While awaiting memory foam mattress expansion, it’s wise to consider other slumbering alternatives.

Sleeping on your fresh mattress without waiting for the 24 hours is technically okay, but it’s best to await 24 hours for the mattress to fully expand and for that fresh mattress smell to dissipate.

A mattress that has been compressed in the box may not be as comfortable when you lie down on it right away, so it’s best to await until it is fully expanded.

The rule mostly exists to make sure you get a good night’s sleep on your mattress, as it may not be as comfortable when you first lie down on it.

Waiting for the memory foam mattress to expand will provide the best bed sleep experience.

Sleeping Alternatives when Waiting for Mattress Expansion

Exceptions of When You Can Sleep On New Mattress Before 24 Hours

Although waiting 24 hours is recommended for the best sleep experience, there are exceptions to when you can sleep on a fresh mattress before that timeframe. Technically, it’s okay to sleep on the memory foam mattress, but the comfort level won’t be at its peak.

Here are a few occasions when you can do so:

  • When you’re in an emergency and need to catch up on sleep
  • If you are too exhausted to wait for 24 hours
  • If the mattress is already comfortable enough
  • If the mattress is for a guest bedroom
  • If the mattress smell isn’t a bother

Frequently Asked Questions

It is recommended to wait 24 hours before slumbering on a fresh mattress to ensure the mattress expands properly and the fresh mattress smell dissipates. Doing so will give you the best slumbering experience and comfort.

To ensure my fresh mattress is properly cared for, I should wait 24 hours after unpacking it before slumbering on it. This gives time for the mattress to widen and the smell to dissipate, ensuring a comfortable, restful night’s sleep.

I’m wondering if there are any alternatives to waiting 24 hours before slumbering on a fresh mattress. I’d like to get a good night’s rest without risking improper expansion and tossing and turning. Any ideas?

If I sleep on my fresh mattress too soon, I’m risking discomfort due to improper expansion, turning and tossing. Waiting 24 hours is key to having a good night’s sleep and letting the fresh mattress smell dissipate. Alluding to this, I must be patient to get the best experience.

I can reduce the smell of a fresh mattress by waiting 24 hours before slumbering on it. This gives the mattress time to widen and the smell to dissipate. Then, I can enjoy a good night’s rest without a lingering odor.


After all is said and done, slumbering on a new mattress before the 24-hour mark is like playing a game of Russian roulette; you never know what the outcome will be.

It’s best to wait the full 24 hours to give the mattress time to widen and the smell to dissipate, and to avoid any tossing and turning during the night.

Think of it like a beautiful flower blooming, allowing time for the beauty to fully emerge.

Categories: Mattress