How To Clean Sofa Stains – 5 Tips To Spot Clean A Couch

Having a dirty spot on your futon seat can be frustrating and embarrassing. But don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world! With a few simple steps, you can get that dirty spot out in no time.

This Nousdecor article will show you How To Clean Sofa Stains by assessing, cleansing, and preventing stains from happening again. All it takes is some patience and know-how – so let’s get started!

Key Takeaways of How To Clean Sofa Stains Cleaning Instructions

  • Assess the dirty spot before cleansing to determine the best approach.
  • Different types of stains require different cleansing methods.
  • Act fast to prevent permanent marks on the futon seat.
  • Use a detergent diluted in water or a vinegar and sodium bicarbonate solution for pre-treating stains.
How To Clean Sofa Stains

Assess the Stains before Cleaning Couch Cushion Upholstery

Before starting the steps on How To Clean Sofa, you’ll want to take a moment to assess the dirty spot before you start cleansing, as different types of stains require different approaches. Take note of the type and color of the fabric on your futon seat so you know what products are safe to use.

Look for any tags or labels that indicate specific care instructions from the manufacturer as these should be followed closely. Once you’ve identified the type of dirty spot, determine how long it has been on your futon seat, as this will help inform your cleansing method.

To confirm whether or not it’s a water-soluble or oil-based dirty spot, drop some water onto the area: if it spreads out then it is likely water-soluble; if it beads up then it is most likely an oil-based dirty spot.

With all this information in hand, you’ll be better prepared for tackling the task at hand. Knowing what kind of dirty spot you’re dealing with helps ensure that you don’t make matters worse by using inappropriate products or approaches.

If your futon seat is a white one, check out our article on How To Clean White Sofa now before moving on!

Now that you’ve taken stock of your situation, let’s move onto clearing the dirty spot.

Blot Removing Stains Quickly: The Cleaning Codes 

Clear the dirty spot quickly – don’t let it set! Use a dry, white cloth to soak up as much of the liquid as possible. Work from the outside in, pressing lightly and continuously until no more liquid is absorbed. Be careful not to rub or scrub since this may spread the dirty spot.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Keep paper towels on hand for quick clean up.
  • Avoid using colored cloths that might transfer dye onto your fabric.
  • Blotting too heavily can push the dirty spot deeper into the fabric.
  • Don’t use hot water as this can set some stains permanently into fabrics.

It’s important to act fast when you notice a spill on your futon seat so you don’t end up with an unsightly permanent mark.

If those marks are smelly due to them being the result of your cat’s mess, check out our article on cat urine odor removal from couch now!

Now that you’ve cleared away what you can, it’s time to pre-treat any remaining stains before attempting any further cleansing methods.

Spot Clean Pre-Treat the Couch Stain Removal

Before cleansing a futon seat dirty spot, it’s important to pre-treat the area first. Use a detergent diluted in water to help break down the dirty spot before tackling it with a cloth or sponge.

Alternatively, mix vinegar for fabric sofa cleaning and sodium bicarbonate together for an effective homemade pre-treatment solution. Finally, use a brush to agitate the fabric and get deep into the fibers of the material.

Use Detergent

First, mix a detergent solution to tackle that dirty spot – use one teaspoon of clear liquid detergent per cup of warm water. Then, using a clean cloth or sponge, gently dab the solution onto the stained area. Make sure not to rub too hard so as to avoid damaging the fabric. Rinse with cold water and repeat if necessary until the dirty spot is gone.

Finally, allow the futon seat cushion to air dry naturally; never put it in the dryer as this will set any remaining stains. With these steps you should be able to effectively remove any pesky stains from your futon seat cushions and keep them looking like new.

Now that you’ve used detergent on your stains, it’s time to move on to vinegar for further treatment.

Use Vinegar

Now that you’ve used detergent on your messes, why not try vinegar for further treatment? Vinegar is a great alternative cleansing solution for many types of futon seat stains. It’s natural and safe to use, making it an ideal choice for most upholstery fabric types.

StainsVinegar SolutionFabric Types
Grease & OilAdd 2 tablespoons of white vinegar to 1 cup of warm water and stir until the mixture is blended together. Apply the solution to the dirty spot with a clean cloth and rub gently in a circular motion. Use water to rinse it afterward.Cotton, Polyester, Microfiber
Coffee & TeaMix equal parts white vinegar and cool water together in a container. Use a clean microfiber cloth to dab the mixture onto the stained area of your futon seat and let sit for at least 10 minutes before wiping off with a damp cloth. Repeat as necessary until dirty spot is gone.Linen, Velvet, Leather
Red WineMix one teaspoon of liquid dish soap with two cups of lukewarm water in a bowl or container. Dip a clean cloth into the soapy solution and clear away excess liquid from the dirty spot until it’s no longer visible then wipe away any remaining residue with equal parts white vinegar and cool water on another clean cloth. Pat dry afterwards using paper towels or cloth towel if possible.Synthetic Fibers Wool Blends Nylon Blends Acrylic Blends Rayon Blends Olefin Blends Acetate Blends Polypropylene Blends Silk & Satin

If your futon seat is a velvet one, check out our article on velvet upholstery cleaning methods!

Use Baking Soda

For an extra boost of cleansing power, give baking soda a try. With just a sprinkle on your mess, you’ll be surprised how quickly it works to tackle stubborn spots. Let the baking soda sit for at least 15 minutes before brushing off.

For tougher stains, make a paste with baking soda and water and apply it directly to the spot. You could also add a few drops of essential oil for an added scent bonus. Leave the paste on for about half an hour before wiping away with a damp cloth.

Baking soda is non-toxic and won’t harm your furniture or fabrics, making it an ideal solution when tackling futon seat stains.

Next up comes applying a cleansing solution to lift away any remaining dirt or grime.

Use Baking Soda

Apply Upholstery Cleaning Solution

To get rid of stains on your futon seat, it’s time to apply a cleansing solution. There are a few key steps you can take to effectively remove the dirty spot from the fabric:

  1. Choose a suitable cleansing product for your fabric type. Pay attention to any labels and ensure that the product is compatible with your furniture before use.
  2. Dilute the cleaner in warm water according to package instructions and mix well until a homogenous solution is created.
  3. With clean cloths, gently dab at the stained area until it’s saturated with the cleansing solution.
  4. Allow the cleaner to sit for 5-10 minutes so that it has enough time to work on breaking up dirt and grime particles in the fabric.
  5. Clear up as much of the liquid as possible with paper towels or absorbent cloth, making sure not to rub any further into the material.

Repeat these steps if needed until all traces of dirty spot have been removed from your futon seat fabric!

Blot the Stain Again

Once the cleansing solution has had a chance to work its magic, it’s time to clear up any remaining liquid and residue from the fabric. To do this, use a clean dry cloth or paper towel to gently press against the dirty spot.

Avoid rubbing or scrubbing the material as this could damage the fibers and spread the dirty spot further. It’s important to use a light hand; pressing too hard on one spot can push liquid deeper into the fabric, making it harder to remove.

Stain VisibleLiquid Removed
Liquid PresentStain Lightened
Residue presentResidue Gone
Surface WetSurface Dry

When you’ve finished blotting, check for signs of progress by comparing before and after photos of the area. The table above provides an overview of what kind of results you should be looking for in order to determine if your efforts have been successful.

If there is still some staining visible, it may be necessary to apply more cleansing solution before proceeding with additional blotting techniques.

Next step is rinsing and drying – two essential steps that help ensure all traces of dirt are removed from your futon seat fabric and that no residue is left behind which could discolor or attract dirt in future.

Rinse and Dry

Rinsing and drying are critical steps to ensure all traces of dirt are thoroughly removed from your fabric, leaving it looking good as new.

To rinse the dirty spot area, use a clean, damp cloth and a mild detergent solution. If you’re using an upholstery cleaner, make sure to check the label for specific instructions on how to apply the cleaner.

Work in a circular motion from the outside of the dirty spot until it’s gone completely. Rinse your cloth often with cold water to prevent pushing any dirt back into the fabric fibers and making matters worse.

Once you have removed the dirty spot, dry it with a clean towel or paper towels. Use multiple layers of towels so that as one layer becomes saturated with water it can be replaced easily without smearing any dirt onto other parts of your futon seat.

Finally, allow your futon seat to air-dry completely before using again; this will help avoid any potential color fading due to moisture if left wet too long.

Taking these precautions will help keep your futon seat looking great and prevent future stains from setting in.

Prevent Future Stains

To prevent future futon seat stains, regular vacuuming is essential. Additionally, using protective covers to guard against spills and accidents can be an effective strategy, as well as treating the material with a dirty spot repellant.

By taking these steps you can help ensure that your futon seat stays free of unwanted marks and dirt.

Vacuum Regularly

Vigorously sucking away dirt and debris, vacuum your couch every few weeks to keep it looking fresh.

Vacuuming not only removes dust and lint, but also helps remove unseen particles that can cause stains. Use a machine with an upholstery attachment to clean those hard-to-reach areas. Move furniture when necessary for a thorough cleansing, paying special attention to seams and crevices where dirt may accumulate.

When vacuuming larger items such as pillows or cushions, use a slow back-and-forth motion and overlapping strokes to ensure that the entire surface is reached. For best results, empty your vacuum cleaner bag often so it doesn’t become overfilled with dust particles that may be released back into the air when the vacuum is running.

To further protect your futon seat from future stains, consider using protective covers or slipcovers.

Vacuum Regularly

Use Protective Covers

Now that you’ve vacuumed your futon seat regularly, it’s time to take another step in protecting it: using protective covers. Not only do these covers make your furniture look better, they can also help protect the fabric from stains and spills.

Here are a few tips for selecting the best cover for your futon seat:

ComfortStyleSizeFabric TypeColor
DurabilityProtectionPriceMachine Washable?Easy to Install?

When selecting a protective cover, consider all of these factors before making a purchase. This small investment will go a long way in keeping your futon seat looking great and free from unwanted stains.

And once you have the perfect cover, you’re ready to move on to the next step – using dirty spot repellants!

Use Stain Repellants

Protecting your futon seat from stains and spills doesn’t have to end with a cover – you can also use dirty spot repellants! Stain repellants are a great way to reduce the amount of time spent on cleansing up messes.

Here’s how they work:

  1. A protective layer is applied to the fabric, providing protection from dirt, oil and water-based stains.
  2. The repellant helps prevent moisture from being absorbed into the fabric fibers, making it easier for spills to be wiped away without them becoming embedded in the material.
  3. They also help keep food particles and other debris from sticking to the surface of your futon seat, making it easier to vacuum or dust off any accumulated grime.

With these benefits in mind, using a dirty spot repellant is an easy way to keep your futon seat looking new for years!

Frequently Asked Questions

When cleansing a futon seat, it’s important to use a safe solution. Look for mild, non-abrasive detergents or solutions specifically designed for upholstery fabric. Avoid harsh chemicals like bleach or ammonia as they can damage the material.

Spot cleansing may not remove all of the dirty spot, depending on its size and type. I would recommend testing a small area first to see if it successfully removes the entire dirty spot.

It’s recommended to clean your futon seat every 3-4 months, depending on how often it is used. Vacuuming and spot cleansing will help maintain its look and longevity.

To protect my futon seat from future stains, I should regularly vacuum it and use protective covers when necessary. Clean spills immediately with a damp cloth. Avoid eating or drinking on the couch to prevent accidents.

No, you don’t need special tools for cleansing your futon seat. A few simple supplies like a vacuum cleaner, a cloth and some cleansing detergent should be enough to remove most stains.


No matter how careful you are, your futon seat is bound to get stained from time-to-time. Thankfully, with the right techniques and products, it’s easy to restore your futon seat back to its original glory.

Just remember to assess the dirty spot before you start cleansing, use a pre-treatment product for tough stains, apply a gentle cleansing solution, clear the dirty spot twice, rinse and dry afterwards and prevent future stains by using protective covers or sprays.

With these steps in mind, you’ll have your futon seat looking like new again in no time! Plus, check out our top sofas of the year collection now if you love the couches!

Categories: Couch