How To Clean Diarrhea From Mattress

Imagine the feeling of waking up to a smelly mess on your mattress caused by diarrhea. It’s gross and definitely not something you want to deal with. But don’t worry, there is hope!

With the right supplies and techniques, you can quickly clean up this mess and protect your mattress from future accidents.

In this Nousdecor article, learn How To Clean Diarrhea From Mattress properly so that it looks like new!

Key Takeaways

  • Wear gloves and a face mask for protection.
  • Use UV light instead of chlorine bleach for disinfection.
  • Vacuum the mattress to remove debris before cleaning.
  • Consider using a mattress protector for added protection.
How To Clean Diarrhea From Mattress

Safety Precautions Before Cleaning

Before you start cleaning, make sure to take safety precautions like wearing gloves and a face mask.

Memory foam mattresses are delicate and need special care when cleaning up after a diarrhea accident. It’s important to use the proper housekeeping techniques to avoid damaging the mattress or making the situation worse.

Dishwashing detergents and chlorine bleach are effective for disinfecting, but should be used sparingly. Try using UV light instead as it can kill most bacteria without leaving any residue on the mattress.

Vacuuming can also help remove debris before adding any additional chemicals. Mattress protectors are recommended for added protection in case of future accidents.

Be sure to follow all instructions when using products with chlorine bleach, as this chemical can damage your mattress if used incorrectly.

With all these safety precautions in place, you’ll be ready to tackle the next step: preparing the mattress for cleaning!

Gather Necessary Supplies and Prepare the Mattress

Gather the supplies you’ll need and get your mattress ready. Start by removing any foam padding or other bedding from the mattress, and set it aside to be properly washed later.

Next, use a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment to remove any dust, dirt or bedbugs that may have accumulated in the mattress. If you can’t find one of those attachments, try using a handheld vacuum cleaner instead.

Once the mattress is free of debris, sprinkle baking soda liberally over its surface and let it sit for at least 15 minutes so it can absorb any urine or fecal matter odors.

When finished, vacuum away the baking soda and then spray a deodorizer made with ammonium hydroxide on the area to disinfect it further.

Finally, if there are still visible stains left behind consider taking the mattress to a professional dry cleaner who specializes in cleaning tips for Newton mattresses or using UV light treatment to remove them yourself.

With these steps completed your mattress will be ready for deep cleaning and stain removal.

Remove Excess Waste and Pre-treating Stains

Now that the mattress is free of debris, it’s time to remove any remaining waste and pre-treat any stains. It’s important to act quickly when cleaning up diarrhea from a mattress as the smell can linger if not treated right away.

Here are some useful tips for tackling this task:

When caring for your purple bed, make sure keeping pillow top mattress fresh and clean by using proven mattress stain removal techniques like spot cleaning with cold water or steam cleaning.

With these methods in mind, you’ll be ready to move onto the next step: getting that mattress sparkling clean!

Steps for How To Clean Diarrhea From Mattress

If you’ve been unfortunate enough to experience a diarrhea accident on your mattress, don’t worry – it can be cleaned!

The key is to start by blotting the stain with a clean cloth. Then, apply a cleaning solution and use a scrubbing brush or rag to gently scrub the stain.

Blot Stain With Clean Cloth

Take a clean cloth and blot the stain on the mattress. Use gentle pressure to absorb as much moisture as possible, but be careful not to rub or scrub the stain.

Once you have absorbed most of the liquids, it’s time to apply a cleaning solution. Here are some options to consider:

  • Try using Persil ProClean-Power Liquid Laundry Detergent on foam mattress toppers and other surfaces like beds.
  • Make sure any detergents used are hypoallergenic for those with allergies, such as eczema and asthma.
  • Vacuum away any dust particles left after blotting before applying the solution.
  • Test a small area first before using detergent to avoid staining or discoloration.

Once you have blotted up as much liquid as possible from the mattress and vacuumed away any remaining dust particles, it’s time to apply a cleaning solution. This will help eliminate any lingering bacteria and odor.

Blot Stain With Clean Cloth

Apply Cleaning Solution

Sprinkle a small amount of the hypoallergenic detergent over the stained area. Use a damp cloth to gently scrub away any remaining bacteria and odors. This is an important step in removing diarrhea stains from your mattress.

It helps to break down any proteins or oils that may have become stuck onto the fabric. Apply the cleaning solution evenly across the entire stain to ensure complete removal. Allow it to sit for five minutes before wiping away with a clean cloth.

Take extra care not to press too hard into the mattress while scrubbing. This could damage fabric fibers and cause further staining. Afterward, rinse off any residue with cold water and blot dry with a towel.

With your cleaning solution applied and scrubbed in properly, you’re ready to move onto the next stage of removing those unpleasant stains from your mattress: scouring them away!

Scrub Stain

Now that you’ve applied the cleaning solution to the diarrhea stain, it’s time to scrub it away.

Using a soft-bristled brush and circular motions, vigorously scrub the affected area until the stain starts fading.

Here are some tips to ensure you get all of the stain out:

  • Work in small areas at a time for optimal results.
  • Change out your water frequently if needed.
  • Make sure not to press too hard on the mattress or you could damage it.
  • Use as little detergent as possible when scrubbing.

After some elbow grease, your mattress should be looking better already!

Now it’s time to clean off any residual cleaner and bacteria with clean water.

Rinse With Clean Water

Rinse the affected area with fresh water to remove any remaining cleaner and bacteria. Use a spray bottle, sponge, or cloth for the rinsing process. Focus on gentle scrubbing motions to help break down any stubborn stains or residue.

Make sure to use cold water, as hot water may set the stain into the fabric and be difficult to remove later. After scrubbing and rinsing, make sure all excess liquid is blotted away with a clean towel. This should help ensure that no moisture remains in the mattress and helps prevent further staining or damage.

With this step complete, you are now ready to explore bonus cleaning solutions for removing diarrhea from your mattress.

Bonus Cleaning Solutions

You want to make sure you’ve gotten rid of all traces of diarrhea from your mattress, so here are some bonus cleaning solutions to consider.

  • Baking soda is a great natural deodorizer that can help remove any odors left behind.
  • Boiled water mixed with distilled white vinegar is another effective solution. The acid in the vinegar will break down and neutralize the bacteria present in the mess.
  • Finally, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide can also be used as disinfectants to kill off any remaining bacteria.

Baking Soda

Sprinkle baking soda over the affected area of the mattress to absorb any moisture and help eliminate odors. This natural solution has many benefits, including:

  • Its non-toxic composition which makes it a safe choice for cleaning up messes around small children or pets.
  • The odor absorbing qualities, which will neutralize smells caused by bacteria growth.
  • Its ability to break down stains and loosen up stuck on debris from the mattress surface.
  • That it’s very affordable and can be found in most grocery stores.

Baking soda is also an effective deodorizer, so you can leave your mattress smelling fresh and clean. Plus, it’s easy to use – just sprinkle it over the affected area and let sit for 15 minutes before vacuuming off.

Moving on from this simple solution, boiled water mixed with distilled white vinegar can be used as a powerful cleanser to remove any remaining residue.

Baking Soda

Boiled Water Mixed with Distilled White Vinegar

Now that you’ve considered baking soda, let’s move on to another cleaning solution for your mattress. Boiled water mixed with distilled white vinegar is a great option. Boiling the water provides extra power to the cleaning solution, while the distilled white vinegar is an all-natural purifier and deodorizer.

To make this mixture, simply combine one cup of boiling water with half a cup of distilled white vinegar in a bucket or bowl. With this mixture in hand, you can start tackling the mess on your mattress. Use a soft cloth soaked in the solution and move from one area of the mattress to another until all affected areas are covered.

When you’re done cleaning, use a clean cloth soaked in cold water to rinse off the residue from your mattress. Make sure to allow it to air dry completely before replacing bedding and pillows.

The next step? Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide!

Ammonia and Hydrogen Peroxide

Combine a half cup of ammonia with a quarter cup of hydrogen peroxide for an effective cleaning solution to tackle stains on your mattress.

Using this mixture, you can remove the diarrhea stain quickly and easily, disinfect the area at the same time, neutralize odors caused by the stain, and avoid using harsh chemicals that may damage your mattress.

This solution is safe to use and will leave your mattress looking as good as new. You can repeat it as necessary until all traces of the stain are gone.

Repeat as Necessary

If the mattress is still soiled after the initial cleaning, you’ll need to repeat the process until it’s clean.

  • Take a clean cloth and dampen it with the solution of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.
  • Gently scrub the area, taking care not to spread it around too much.
  • For tough stains, use a toothbrush or sponge for more effective removal.
  • Rinse off any excess solution by dabbing with a damp cloth.
  • If necessary, add more cleaner and repeat.
  • Be sure to allow enough time between applications for the cleaner to work its magic before rinsing off completely.

Once you’ve achieved satisfactory results, it’s time to move on to letting your mattress air dry for a few hours before using again!

Finishing Allow Mattress to Air Dry

After you’ve finished scrubbing, let your mattress air dry for a few hours before using it again. This will help to evaporate any remaining moisture and bacteria, ensuring that the mattress is completely clean and sanitary.

To ensure thorough drying:

  • Open the windows to allow fresh air to circulate in the room.
  • Place a fan near the mattress and set it on low, which will help move air around the mattress.
  • If possible, use an upholstery attachment on your vacuum cleaner to gently suck away any excess moisture from deep within the fabric of your mattress.
  • Consider removing protective covers or sheets from the bed until it has fully dried out.

With these steps, you can rest assured that your mattress is entirely free of debris and other contaminants – leaving it fresh and clean for future use!

Now all that’s left is to protect your mattress from future stains.

Protect Your Mattress from Future Stains

To protect your mattress from future stains, make sure to use a mattress protector on top of it. This way, you can keep liquids, sweat, and other bodily fluids away from the fabric.

Additionally, wash any linens used on the mattress regularly to avoid any buildups of germs and bacteria. Vacuum the surface periodically too. This will help remove dust mites and other allergens that might be lingering around.

Finally, if you do happen to have an accident or spill something on your mattress, act quickly by cleaning it up immediately with warm soap and water.

Taking these steps will ensure your mattress remains hygienic and stain-free for years to come.

To further prevent potential messes in the future, consider some simple diarrhea prevention tips for your health.

Protect Your Mattress from Future Stains

Diarrhea Prevention Tips for Your Health

By taking a few simple steps, you can help prevent potential issues with diarrhea.

Firstly, practice good hygiene by washing your hands regularly. This is especially important after using the bathroom and before preparing food.

Secondly, drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and eat foods that are high in fiber to maintain regular bowel movements.

Additionally, make sure to get enough exercise as it can help reduce constipation and keep your digestive tract functioning properly.

Lastly, be aware of what you’re eating or drinking as some beverages and foods may contain bacteria that could lead to an upset stomach or cause diarrhea:

  • Avoid unpasteurized milk
  • Don’t eat raw seafood or undercooked meats
  • Be careful when consuming pre-prepared salads
  • Refrain from eating expired products

Adopting these practices will not only protect your mattress from stains caused by diarrhea but also promote better health overall, you won’t ever need our how to clean poop off mattress guide!

Frequently Asked Questions

You should clean your mattress as soon as possible to remove diarrhea stains. Cleaning it regularly can help prevent future staining and keep your mattress looking fresh. Aim to spot-clean at least once every month, and thoroughly clean the entire mattress every three months.

Immerse yourself in the world of stain removal and choose a cleaning solution that will tackle those nasty diarrhea stains. Opt for a product with natural ingredients, such as baking soda, vinegar, or lemon juice to effectively lift away the mess without harming your mattress.

It’s not recommended to use bleach when cleaning a mattress with diarrhea stains. Bleach can damage the fabric and cause discoloration. It’s best to use a gentle, enzymatic cleaner that won’t harm the material.

You can use a moisture meter to check that the mattress is completely dry. Alternatively, you can feel it with your hands and look for any damp patches. If it feels warm or clammy, it’s not yet dry. Give it more time to air out before using again.

You can protect the mattress from future stains by using a waterproof or stain-resistant mattress protector. This will help keep it clean and fresh for longer.


You’ve done the hard work, now it’s time to finish up. Allow your mattress to air dry thoroughly before putting it back in use.

To protect your mattress from future stains, consider investing in a waterproof cover or mattress protector.

Finally, for prevention purposes, make sure you practice good hygiene and stay hydrated to avoid getting diarrhea in the first place.

For example, if you travel abroad and consume food that disagrees with you, be sure to take advantage of resources like Imodium or Pepto Bismol to help settle your stomach quickly.

Categories: Mattress