How To Clean Cat Pee From Sofa – Save Your Couch From Urine

It’s a common problem for cat owners: your beloved feline has decided to use your sofa as their own personal litter box. Don’t panic! With the right supplies and know-how of our guide on How To Clean Cat Pee From Sofa, you can easily get rid of the mess and have your favorite spot looking as good as new.

This article will provide step-by-step instructions on how to clean cat urine from a futon seat, so you won’t have to deal with any unpleasant odors or dirty spots. We’ll cover everything from gathering the necessary supplies to applying a cleaning solution and repeating as needed.

So grab your cleaning supplies and let’s get started with Nousdecor!

Key Takeaways of How To Clean Cat Pee From Sofa

  • Gather necessary supplies: rubber gloves, cloth, white vinegar, baking soda, paper towels, hydrogen peroxide, detergent, enzymatic cleaner, vacuum cleaner with upholstery attachment, hot water.
  • Identify source of dirty spot: inspect area, use flashlight if necessary, note any discoloration or odor.
  • Blot the dirty spot: place paper towels over area, lift and check progress, avoid rubbing or scrubbing, change paper towels often, use vacuum cleaner.
  • Apply cleaning solution: mix white vinegar, baking soda, lukewarm water, and dishwashing detergent.
How To Clean Cat Pee From Sofa

Gathering Necessary Cat Urine Odor Cleaner Supplies

Gathering the appropriate materials for cleaning cat urine from a couch is an essential part of all DIY sofa cleaning methods, and having them on-hand before you start getting cat pee smell out of couch can save time and energy.

Start by locating a pair of rubber gloves and an old cloth or rag. You’ll also need white vinegar, baking soda, paper towels, hydrogen peroxide, detergent, as well as an enzymatic cleaner specifically designed for pet messes. Make sure to have access to a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment and a few buckets of hot water too.

Be sure to read all product instructions carefully before use; it’s important that you understand how each element works together in order to achieve the best possible results. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if there is something you don’t understand about any of the products or instructions given.

Now that you are equipped with everything necessary to clean your couch properly, it’s time to identify the source of the dirty spot.

Identify the Source of the Cat Odor Stain on Your Couch

Pinpointing the source of the dirty spot is crucial in the process of How To Clean Fabric Sofa! To ensure that you are successfully cleaning up cat urine, it is essential to first locate where the dirty spot originated. Inspect the area closely and use a flashlight if necessary.

The urine may have soaked through, so take note of any discoloration on the fabric or padding. If possible, sniff around and try to isolate where the chaos is coming from. Once you identify where the urine has pooled, you can now move onto blotting it up with paper towels.

It might be tempting to jump right into cleaning it up but without locating the source of the dirty spot first, you could be spreading it further or not eliminating all of it from your sofa’s surface.

Now that you have identified its origin point, proceed to blotting up as much moisture as possible before moving onto a more thorough cleanse.

Step 1: Blot Cleaning Cat Urine Stain

Now that you’ve located the source of the dirty spot, it’s time to start blotting it up with paper towels! Blotting is an effective way to remove liquid dirty spots from furniture. Here are five tips for successful blotting:

  • Start by placing several layers of paper towel over the affected area and pressing firmly.
  • Lift the paper towel away and check for progress. If needed, repeat this process until most of the liquid has been absorbed.
  • Refrain from rubbing or scrubbing as this may spread the dirty spot further into the fabric fibers or cause damage to your furniture.
  • Change out paper towels often to prevent dirty spoting from spreading back onto your couch.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment to help remove any remaining moisture in between blottings.

Once all visible signs of wetness have been removed, you can move on to making a cleaning solution designed specifically for cat urine dirty spots and urine smells on fabrics and furniture.

Blot Cleaning Cat Urine Stain

Step 2: Prepare Cleaning Solution – Baking Soda, Enzyme Cleaner,…

It’s time to tackle the odor and dirty spot left behind by your four-legged pal. Let’s make a solution that’ll get your furniture looking and smelling fresh again! To do this, you’ll need some basic ingredients like white vinegar, baking soda, lukewarm water, and dishwashing detergent.

First off, mix one cup of white vinegar with two cups of lukewarm water in a bowl or bucket. Next, add a tablespoon of baking soda to the mix. Stir until both ingredients are completely dissolved. Finally, add just enough dishwashing detergent to create a soapy foam on top of the liquid mixture.

Now it’s time to apply the cleaning solution to the affected area on the couch or sofa. Start by blotting up any remaining urine with paper towels or cloth rags as best you can.

Then slowly pour your homemade cleaning solution onto the dirty spot and use a soft bristled brush to work it into the fabric fibers gently but firmly in circular motions for about three minutes before allowing it sit for five minutes more so that it can do its job effectively.

If all goes well after five minutes have passed then simply rinse off with cold water and pat dry with another rag—your couch should now be free from cat urine and dirty spots! With some patience and effort, you’ll have your furniture back in pristine condition in no time at all.

Onwards we go towards applying this cleaning solution!

Step 3: Apply the Cleaning Products to Remove Cat Pee Smell

To effectively remove any odors and dirty spots, take the necessary steps to apply your homemade cleaning solution to the affected area on your furniture.

Start by blotting up as much of the cat urine as possible using an absorbent cloth or paper towel. Soak up what you can before moving onto the next step. Once you’ve blotted away most of the liquid, use a spray bottle and mist over the entire area that was impacted by urine. Make sure to saturate it thoroughly.

Next, take a clean cloth or sponge and begin rubbing in a circular motion to spread out the cleaner evenly over that section of fabric. Do this for several minutes so it has enough time to really soak in deep into those fibers. Afterward, let it sit for at least 30 minutes so it can break down any lingering bacteria or odors that may still be there from pet accidents.

If your cat left its chaotic mess on your sofa upholstery, check out our article on effective upholstery cleaning techniques!

Once you’ve given it enough time to work its magic, now is when you need to start rinsing away all that excess moisture with plain water and another freshly cleaned cloth or sponge. This should help lift off any residue left behind from both urine and cleaner so you’re left with a sparkling clean couch once again!

Step 4: Rinse all the Cat Pee on Your Couch

Rinse away the excess moisture from the affected area to help restore the fabric’s original look. Grab a clean, dry cloth and run it over the couch in circular motions, wringing out any remaining liquid. You may need to repeat this process several times until all of the cleaning solution is removed.

To make sure that no soap residue is left behind, add some distilled water into a spray bottle and lightly mist the area with it. Then blot up any additional moisture using a clean cloth or paper towel. Once you’re satisfied that all of the product has been removed, use an upholstery vacuum attachment to remove dirt particles and other debris from deep within your couch cushions.

Removes Cleaning Solution & Dirt ParticlesTime-Consuming Process
Helps Restore Fabric’s Original LookMultiple Steps Needed For Best Results
Prevents Soap Residue BuildupRequires Distilled Water & Spray Bottle Accessory

This method should help you achieve maximum results when trying to remove cat urine dirty spot and odor from your couch. Be sure to take your time while rinsing off any excess product, as rushing through this step could leave behind unwanted residue or further damage your furniture fabric.

If your sofa is made out of microfiber, check out our article on clean microfiber sofa at home!

Transition seamlessly into repeating this process as necessary for best results!

Rinse all the Cat Pee on Your Couch

Step 5: Repeat as Necessary to Clean Up Cat Pee Smell from Couches

Repeating the process as needed is vital to ensure that all traces of cat urine are eliminated from your furniture fabric.

You must be diligent in rinsing the area thoroughly and allowing it to dry completely before attempting another round of cleaning. If you don’t take the time to adequately rinse away any residue, you won’t get the desired result and may have to repeat the entire cleaning process again.

It’s important to watch for signs that more work needs to be done, such as a lingering odor or dirty spot that doesn’t come off with one pass of rinsing. If these remain after one pass then it’s time to re-clean using a new solution of vinegar and water and start over again. Monitor your progress closely by smelling the fabric regularly until you are sure there is no trace scent remaining.

If you do need to redo, make sure that all materials used in prior attempts at cleaning are removed entirely so they don’t mess up subsequent attempts at removal. If soap was used previously, try utilizing a stronger solution like baking soda this time around instead since this can often do a better job at eliminating odors than plain detergent alone.

Finally, always test out any cleaning solutions on an inconspicuous spot first just in case there is any discoloration or adverse effect on the fabric material itself – no one wants an unexpected surprise!

Taking extra precautions will help ensure success when dealing with stubborn dirty spots like cat urine on furniture fabrics.

Dealing with a velvet sofa? Check out our article on velvet sofa cleaning guide for a more overall comprehensive guide!

Frequently Asked Questions

If the odor persists after cleaning, try using an enzyme-based cleaner specifically designed to break down pet urine. Spray liberally and let sit for a few hours before wiping off. If the cat urine smell still lingers, consider using an ozone generator to completely remove it.

Yes, you can use a steam cleaner on the couch. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully and pay extra attention when cleaning problem areas for better results.

Yes, there are alternatives to chemical-based solutions. I would recommend using a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water to clean the couch. This will help neutralize the odor and remove any residue left behind by the get cat pee.

To prevent my cat from peeing on the couch again, I’d try creating a designated area for them to go in with litter boxes and scratching posts. Ensure it’s comfortable and rewarding for them to use it.

I recommend cleaning the couch at least once a week to prevent cat pee from occurring. Regular vacuuming and spot-cleaning can help keep the fabric free of odors and dirty spots.


I’ve learned that when it comes to getting rid of cat pee from a sofa, the key is to act quickly. Blotting the dirty spot and then applying a cleaning solution made with equal parts white vinegar and cold water is usually enough to do the trick.

Depending on how bad the dirty spot is, you may need to repeat these steps. With patience and persistence, you can be confident your couch will be free of those pesky dirty spots in no time.

For more sofa variety, check out our article on popular sofa picks now!

Categories: Couch