How To Clean Velvet Sofa Upholstery Couch

As a homeowner, cleaning your furniture is an important part of maintaining the beauty and longevity of your living space. Velvet couches are particularly challenging to clean due to their delicate fabric. If you’ve ever wondered how to properly care for your velvet futon seat, here’s what you need to do for How To Clean Velvet Sofa.

First, identify the type of velvet fabric used in the couch’s construction; this will determine which cleaning methods are applicable. Vacuum the entire surface of the couch with a soft brush attachment and pre-treat any dirty spots with a mild detergent or spot cleanser.

Next, prepare a suitable cleaning solution according to manufacturer instructions and apply it using a microfiber cloth or soft-bristled brush. Finally, rinse thoroughly with clean water and dry with towels or fans to prevent staining from soap residue.

With these simple sofa cleaning made simple steps, you can keep your velvet futon seat looking fresh and new with Nousdecor!

Key Takeaways of How To Clean Velvet Sofa Professional Cleaning Instructions

  • Different velvet-made fabrics require different cleaning methods.
  • Pre-treat any dirty spots with mild detergent or spot cleanser.
  • Avoid rubbing or scrubbing too hard on the velvet futon seat.
  • Allow the couch to air dry naturally before further cleaning or using additional products.
How To Clean Velvet Sofa

Identify the Type of Velvet Fabric before Cleaning a Velvet Couch

To properly clean your velvet futon seat, one of the affordable sofa choices, it’s important to first identify the fabric type, as different fabrics require different cleaning methods. If you have a microfiber or cotton-polyester blend velvet futon seat, then spot cleaning with mild detergent is the best option.

However, if your velvet futon seat is made of silk, wool or acrylic materials you should contact a professional cleanser for assistance. It’s also important to read any labels attached to the couch before attempting any cleaning. Some fabrics may be prone to shrinkage when exposed to water and other chemicals.

Before attempting any kind of deep clean on your velvet futon seat it’s essential that you hoover it thoroughly. This will help remove dirt particles and debris that can damage the fabric if not removed beforehand.

You can check out our article on cleaning a fabric sofa made easy for a more overall comprehensive fabric guide on sofa cleaning.

Make sure to use an upholstery attachment when hoovering so that you don’t tear or snag the delicate material with the bristles of a standard hoover head. Vacuuming will also help prevent further staining from occurring by removing oils and dirt from people’s hands and shoes that accumulate over time on furniture surfaces.

With thorough hoovering done, you are now ready to move onto deeper cleaning methods for your velvet futon seat if needed.

Step 1: Vacuum Cleaning Velvet Furniture Time

There are best ways to clean velvet furniture, and vacuuming your plush couch will get rid of all the dust and crumbs, giving it a refreshed look. To properly hoover synthetic velvet upholstery, you should use an attachment with soft bristles.

Start by using the brush attachment to loosen any dust or dirt particles that are deeply embedded in the fabric. Then switch to the crevice tool for getting into tight areas and seams. Finally, finish off with an upholstery attachment for a gentle suction all over the couch surface.

Before hoovering, it’s important to check if there is any pre-existing damage to your cotton velvet furniture. Areas with snags or tears may require extra care when professionally cleaning as they can be easily damaged further by regular hoovering brushes or attachments.

Here are some things you should keep in mind:

  • Check for loose threads before starting and cut them off carefully with scissors
  • Set the intensity of suction at low to avoid damaging delicate fabrics
  • Keep moving so no one area is being overly exposed to high suction pressure

Afterwards, make sure you dispose of collected debris from your hoover bag or canister right away. If not done promptly, the dust could settle back onto your freshly cleaned couch causing more dirt buildup!

Pre-treating any dirty spots on velvet upholstery requires a slightly different approach which we’ll cover next…

Step 2: Pre-Treat and Spot Clean Any Spilled Stains

Before tackling the couch, pre-treat any stains with a damp cloth to avoid them setting in. Ensure that the cloth is not too wet, as excess moisture can damage velvet.

Blot the stains gently at the dirty spot using a circular motion or opposite directions of the pile and be careful not to rub too hard. This will help lift the dirty spot from the fibers without damaging them. If necessary, use a mild detergent or upholstery cleanser on especially stubborn dirty spots.

Allow it to sit for a few minutes before clearing with a damp cloth again. Do not scrub it into the fabric or allow any liquid to soak into the cushioning underneath, as this may cause permanent staining or mold growth.

If you are unable to remove all of the stains after several attempts, consider professional dry cleaning instead of attempting further home remedies which could potentially damage your couch even more.

After treating all visible dirty spots, let your couch air dry completely before moving on to prepare your cleaning solution for hoovering and brushing away dirt and dust particles. It’s important that you do not skip this step as dried-in dirty spots may be impossible to remove once they have set in fully.

Pre-Treat and Spot Clean Any Spilled Stains

Step 3: Prepare the Cleaning Products

Revitalizing your velvet futon seat is easy when you get the right cleaning solution ready! When pre-treating any dirty spots, it’s important to apply the correct type of solution for the specific dirty spot. For general cleaning tips and upkeep, a mild detergent like dish soap will do. A more potent cleanser should be used if there are heavy dirty spots or dirt buildup.

Mild CleanerHeavy Duty Cleaner
Dish SoapCarpet Shampoo
DetergentVinegar & Water
Baking SodaUpholstery Spray

For a mild cleanser, combine two tablespoons of natural dish soap with two cups of lukewarm water. For a heavier duty cleanser, mix one tablespoon white vinegar with one cup warm water; you can also add four drops of essential oil to give off an aroma during the cleaning process.

Baking soda mixed with warm water can be used as well for tougher spots on your velvet piece. If all else fails, use an upholstery spray specifically designed for velvet.

It’s best to test out different solutions on an inconspicuous part of the couch before applying it over the whole surface area in order to avoid discoloration or damage from accidental misuse of certain products.

Once you’ve decided on which product works best for your needs, move onto applying the cleaning solution!

Step 4: Apply the Cleaning Solution

Now that you’ve got the right cleaning solution for your couch, it’s time to apply it! Before beginning, make sure the couch is in a well-ventilated area. You’ll need:

  • Clean rags
  • Vacuum cleanser
  • A soft bristled brush or toothbrush.

Start by taking a clean rag and dampening it with warm water. Gently wipe down the entire surface of the velvet futon seat. This will help remove dust and dirt that has built up over time before you use the cleaning solution.

Then, hoover any remaining dirt or debris from the fabric using an upholstery attachment of a vacuum cleaner. Be careful to avoid pulling on any loose threads as this could cause damage to your furniture.

Next, take a small amount of your cleaning solution and dilute it with water following directions on bottle or package instructions for how much product to use based on size of fabric surface being cleaned.

Once diluted, dip a clean rag into the mixture and wring out excess liquid until damp but not dripping wet. Test an inconspicuous area first before applying overall in order to check for colorfastness of dye in fabric which could be affected if too much liquid is used at once during application process.

Gently rub this mixture into all areas of velvet futon seat using circular motions while avoiding direct contact with buttons attached to furniture piece since these may become discolored if exposed to solutions containing bleach or other harsh chemicals found in cleaning methods made specifically for fabrics such as velvet futon seats.

If your futon seat is a suede product, check out our article on keep your suede sofa spotless instead!

When you’re finished applying the cleaning solution, allow it some time to settle onto fabric before proceeding further with next step – rinsing off excess from surface of couch…

Step 5: Steam Setting or Rinse the Velvet Upholstery Cleaning Process

After applying the diluted cleaning solution, take a damp rag and gently wipe down the entire surface of the furniture piece to rinse off any excess liquid. To make sure you don’t miss any spots, it’s best to work in sections when you are rinsing.

Working from the top down, start by wiping an area slightly larger than a square foot. After that section is complete, move down to an adjacent area and continue until you have worked your way across the entire couch.

If a section looks particularly dirty or if there are still sudsy areas after wiping with a wet rag, use a clean cloth soaked in lukewarm water for extra rinsing power. You may need to use several clean cloths throughout this process as you want to make sure that no soapy residue is left behind on your velvet futon seat once it dries.

AdvantagesDisadvantagesBest Practice
Prevents over-soaking of fabric with cleanser solutionTime consuming due to need for multiple cloths and sectionsWork in small sections from top-down using multiple clean cloths
Allows for thorough cleaning without leaving residue behindRisk of oversaturation if too much water usedKeep fabric as dry as possible while wiping excess liquid away

It’s important not to leave any water marks on your velvet futon seat during this process. Take care not ensure that all sudsy areas are completely wiped away before proceeding with drying the piece of furniture.

If your velvet futon seat is made out of microfiber, check out our article on How To Clean Microfiber Sofa now!

Moving forward cautiously will help prevent damage and ensure that you can enjoy a like-new velvet futon seat for years to come!

Steam Setting or Rinse the Velvet Upholstery Cleaning Process

Step 6: Dry the Sofa & Avoid Direct Sunlight

Once all the excess moisture has been cleared away, it is important to let your velvet futon seat air dry. It is best to avoid using a hairdryer or other heat source as this can damage the fabric and cause discoloration. To ensure that your velvet futon seat dries completely, you should place it in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight.

Blot Away Excess Moisture

Immediately clear away any excess moisture from your velvet futon seat with a clean absorbent cloth or damp paper towels. Make sure to use a soft, lint-free cloth so as not to cause further damage to your fabric. Press the cloth firmly against the surface of the fabric and gently dab the affected area until all of the moisture has been absorbed.

Change out the cloth when it becomes saturated and continue blotting until no more liquid can be removed. When finished, discard used cloths in an appropriate receptacle for laundering later on and preventing crease.

Be sure that you avoid rubbing or scrubbing too hard on your velvet futon seat; this could cause irreparable damage to its delicate fibers. After clearing up any remaining moisture, allow the couch time to air dry naturally before attempting further cleaning methods or using additional products on it.

Allow to Air Dry

After blotting away any excess moisture, it’s important to allow your velvet futon seat to air dry. Place the cushions in a warm and well-ventilated area to avoid mold or mildew growth. Avoid direct sunlight, as this can cause fading or discoloration of the fabric. Use fans or an open window to help circulate airflow around the furniture.

Check on the couch throughout the drying process and turn over cushions if necessary for even drying. Depending on humidity levels, it may take several hours for your velvet futon seat to completely dry out before using again.

For more cushion cleaning guide, check out our article on effective cushion cleaning methods!

Frequently Asked Questions

I recommend cleaning my velvet futon seat every three months to prevent dirt and dust from building up. Vacuuming it regularly should also help keep it looking beautiful.

No, you should not use a steam cleanser on velvet. Steam can damage the delicate fibers and leave spots or cause discoloration.

The best way to protect my velvet futon seat from spills is by using a protective spray and covering the couch with a slipcover or throw. Both options will keep it safe while still looking stylish.

Yes, velvet can fade over time. Exposure to sunlight and other sources of light can cause the material to discolor or become duller in appearance. Regular cleaning and proper care are essential for maintaining a vibrant look.

I should use a gentle cleaning product designed specifically for velvet upholstery when cleaning my couch. Avoid harsh chemicals, as they could damage the fabric and cause fading over time.


I’m glad I took the time to clean my velvet futon seat. Not only does it look great, but it feels softer and cleanser too! Now that I know how to properly clean the velvet, I can keep my couch looking good with regular maintenance. With a bit of care, hoovering, pre-treating dirty spots, and using a gentle cleaning solution, my velvet futon seat should remain beautiful for years to come!

Categories: Couch